Friday, November 12, 2021

Exciting news! I've teamed up with 2 other local women entrepreneurs and opened a brick & mortar (again!). From the ashes of the pandemic, we have risen!

This new location is smack dab on Main St., between a performing arts center and a pub (perfect, right?) and is called Trio.

Trio is located at 169 Main St. in downtown Ellsworth, Maine. Open Wed-Sat 10am-5pm, with expanded holiday hours coming right up (check back soon for new schedule).

Check us out on Instagram @trio_ellsworth and visit us in person when you're in the area!

Saturday, August 7, 2021

 Lots of fresh, upcycled T-Skirts going into my Etsy shop!

Find them here:

Friday, May 24, 2019

got old t-shirts?

Yes, I do make custom skirts! Contact me at julia(at)onewomanstudio(dot)com to get your very own skirt made with your very own shirts.
These make great gifts too!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

studio sale!

First annual Studio Cleanout SALE starts tomorrow March 1st! This event is taking place at my brick & mortar shop at 192 Main St. in Ellsworth, Maine AND online in my Etsy shop
Shop local. Buy handmade.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

192 Main St., Ellsworth, ME

Several coats of paint and many F-bombs later...
I could not wait to get rid of those colors!!

The closet...
...which is now a dressing room (I finally have a dressing room!!!)

First day in my new space

My best girl looks very much at home here
onewomanstudio is in good company

Monday, October 23, 2017


Looking for those fabulous upcycled T-Skirts you saw at one of my shows this past summer? Check out the onewomanstudio Facebook page to see what's available and details on how to purchase!

Friday, March 31, 2017

new work

New Burlap Bucket Bags now available in my Etsy shop! Made from repurposed burlap coffee bean bags and designer fabric in bold prints.